The Micro-Tyco Challenge

The Micro-Tyco Challenge is WildHearts’ signature programme. It embeds innovation skills and entrepreneurial mindsets across a range of organisations; from early careers to departmental teams and future leaders.

Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship

Our Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) model is developed with industry experts, delivering a cutting-edge business education experience that is relevant in today’s world.

Bespoke Programmes

We offer custom built programmes that draw elements from our core learning experiences. Multiple elements of our programmes and workshops can be combined to align to your strategic development objectives.


Micro-Tyco Canvas Workshop

The Micro-Tyco Canvas workshop is a ‘sprint’ learning experience, designed to introduce participants to the Micro-Tyco Method, a tool for innovation and entrepreneurial thinking, in a fast-paced, experiential workshop.

Your Sustainable ‘WHY’ Workshop

The Your Sustainable ‘WHY’ workshop guides participants to unlock their strengths and values, whilst aligning them to their current role and career objectives. The workshop is practical, self-reflective experience, leaving participants with a greater sense of clarity around their ‘WHY’

Practice NOT Perfect Your Pitch Workshop

The Practice NOT Perfect Your Pitch workshop is a deep dive into the ‘Micro-Tyco Pitch Plan’- a unique approach that exponentially enhances participant’s confidence and effectiveness when presenting.