Should you require any goods to be returned or have a problem with the goods, please contact WildHearts customer care help desk directly, and they will arrange a collection or otherwise resolve your issue, such as offering a replacement.
Please have the following information ready with you:
Ordered in error – Return requests must be made within 30 days of the dispatch date, though please note, non-stock or special items cannot be accepted for return. These will be identified at the point of purchase.
Damaged – Please notify us within 3-5 working days if you have received items that are damaged.
Note: Where outer packaging appears damaged, please sign the delivery note as ‘damaged’.
Faulty/Warranty – We will accept claims that are within the product warranty period, specific product details are available from your Account Manager.
Please ensure that, where items are ordered in error, all seals remain intact where possible. All goods that are to be returned must be in the original manufacturer’s packaging and unmarked.
Please follow these steps after you have arranged for a collection to be made:
Important – Please do not return goods without first obtaining an authorised returns number. Any goods returned without a returns number will be untraceable and therefore, we will be unable to arrange credit.